
Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Bad Karma In the Big Easy

Read Book Bad Karma In the Big Easy

Now you can Read Book Bad Karma In the Big Easy with detailed description:

Andy Broussard, the plump and proud New Orleans medical examiner, obviously loves food. Less apparent to the casual observer is his hatred of murderers. Together with his gorgeous sidekick, psychologist Kit Franklyn, the two make a powerful, although improbable, mystery-solving duo. Among the dead collected in The Big Easy floodwaters after Hurricane Katrina are three nude female bodies, all caught in the same brush tangle, none with water in their lungs; not an act of God, and not the work of Katrina.

Broussard has perhaps the biggest challenge of his colorful career. Solve an impossibly perplexing mystery, while the city and all its records are destroyed, practically the entire population is scattered, the police force has no offices, and many of the rank and file (who haven't defected) are homeless. Soon, Andy and Kit are on a dangerous journey through the obscenely damaged city, leading them to a kind of evil that neither of them could've imagined.


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